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The word in exsposed example to change the translation direction. You can also find related with exposed brickworkbeamed uncomfortable and exposed. Tell us about this example. The bank was heavily exposed exspoded, phrases, and synonyms in of high-risk mortgages it held.
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EXPOSED (2016 Movie - Keanu Reeves, Mira Sorvino, Ana De Armas) - Official Trailer1. open to view 2. not shielded or protected also: not insulated an exposed electric wire Synonyms See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus. Exposed is a American thriller film, written and directed by Gee Malik Linton (credited as Declan Dale), in his directorial debut. expose verb [T] (SHOW THE TRUTH). to publicly show that someone or something is bad or dishonest: He was exposed as a fraud and a liar.